Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Oh man, Oh man

I just finished everything I had to do this semester, with the exception of this final blog post. AHH!! I'm so glad that everything is done with, so I can concentrate on just trying to move out of my apartment for the next 3 days.

Everything is so crazy right now, that I can't even really reflect on the fact that I've finished grad school. It seems like I only started but now (after 1 more class tomorrow) it's all over. I don't even really feel like I did anything! I mean, when I think about it, I remember all the projects I did and all the great books that I read (especially in YA) but it doesn't feel like much. What I think is most interesting is that I think I enjoyed a lot of things I did in grad school (even thought that didn't stop me from putting off all of my assignments until the last mintue). This has to be a good sign though, enjoying the work. I think, and hope, that means I've made the right decision about what I want to do. But now, unfortunately, I have to find a job! Which is way hard. I can't even think about this right now! I need to go pack up some boxes of shoes. And boxes of books. I can think about the realy world once I'm in Virginia and lying on the beach....

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Last All Day Class

I'm sitting in my last all day class ever! Well, hopefully. It is epically hot in here, and we are at a break between presentations. We have all the lights off, which is nice, but is making me sleepy. I'm really excited to be almost done with everything, but I still feel like I have so much to do! Well, not with school really, but I have a lot of packing to do. I only have 2 boxes packed, and they are jsut full of clothes. Tonight I'm going to pack up all of our books and our desk stuff. I have to pack up the dishes soon though, and I'm not sure when to do this, as we are still using a lot of the stuff.

I'm just so ready to move on, but I wish I could pass on the whole packing/cleaning process and just skip to the unpacking and going to the beach part of this move. I also wish I could jsut already have a job, and not worry about that whole process either!

Ok, well time to watch more presentations now, adios.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So I'm listening to This American Life right now, and it is an episode about enemies. Two of the segments is about parasites. I have always thought parasites are pretty cool, but this episode has taught me some other neat things. The first parasite segment is about how intense the life cycle of a parasite really is. There is this one parasite where it gets eaten by a snail as a larvae. Then it kinda bothers the snail's stomach, so it gets spit up. An Ant eats the snail puke and then the parasite is inside the ant. The parasite somehow gives the idea to the ant that it wants to crawl up somewhere high at around nighttime. It does this because right before dark is when animals like sheep like to graze. Now that the ant is on top of the grass, it is in a good spot to get eaten by a sheep. The parasite now lives in the sheep, where it likes to be best!

The second segment was about a guy who purposely infected himself with parasites because it was a way to cure his allergies and asthma. He goes to Africa and gets himself infected with hookworms! It was so crazy! It actually works too! I guess it is all based off of the idea that nowadays we are too hygenic and antibaterial crazy. Back in the day people didn't have problem like we do with allergies, because they were all wormy and stuff. It was a pretty neat story.

You know what else is pretty neat? That I just wrote an entire blog about parasites. Woo!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

It's Electric!

So, I have been very productive over the last two days. I've done a ridiculous amount of homework and I've set a lot of things up for my new apartment. Today I was on the phone forever talking to the electric company, gas company, and cable companies. It is very easy to get your electricity turned off and your cable turned off. It was not so easy to get them turned on in Virginia. Compared to Pittsburgh, it is like jumping through hoops trying to get all of this stuff taken care of. There are way more deposits and fees that I have to deal with this time around. I guess maybe it is because Norfolk is kind of a transient area, so the companies have to do more to insure they get paid. What is the most ridiculous thing, however, is that the gas company makes you provide them with a copy of your lease. So silly! I have to fax over my lease to them and a copy of my ID, otherwise they can't turn on our gas. Luckily, it isn't essentiall to have gas right as we move in to the apartment, so we can go a few days without it if we have to.

I also have finished up a lot of homework in the last couple days. I have pretty much everything done for two of my courses, which is really helpful. I think I am going to do my last assignment for 2005 right now as well, which is good because then I really only have to worry about the website project for this class and a couple little things in other classes. I'm so ready to be done with school! I do kinda need to find a job though.....

Saturday, July 17, 2010

One thing down, a couple more to go...

Tonight is my last night at Doc's, thank goodness. I really need to get going on packing up my apartment, finishing up all my schoolwork, and so on and so on. The last three days have been ridiculous, because my management comapany keeps bringing in people to look at my apartment. At least twice a day people have been tramping through my apartment and looking around at my stuff. I just wish somebody would rent it already, so I wouldn't have this issue. They seem to always come when either Brian or I are sleeping, or when I'm in the shower, or so on.

I think I'm going to take the 2600 quiz tomorrow, because I want to be done with work first. Hopefully I'll have an easy night tonight, maybe I'll even get out early! That would be nice so that way I could just not have to stay up until 3.

Oh I still have so much to do...when am I going to do laundry? Oh jeez, going to tackle a few things now before I have to leave...

Monday, July 12, 2010



Ok, Kompozer was taking me FOREVER to figure out, I just couldn't figure out how to work things. Then, all of the sudden something clicked and I was there. I had no problem with the whole FileZilla part, I had taken good notes on that part in class last tuesday, but the actual making of the page was was more difficult. Once I figured out what was going on in Kompozer it just came down to searching for what type of font to use and such. I'm still trying to decide if I should take out the spacing that Kompozer automatically puts in between paragraphs. Most of the Dickens books I looked up didn't have such spacing, but I don't know. I'm just so relieved to have this done.

This is a short blog post, because now I am sleepy. Night Night and once again, YAY!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sea Animal Safari

Got out of work early, thank goodness. We weren't busy at all, probably because even when the sun went down it didn't get any cooler. It is weeks like this that I'm very happy about my career choice- libraries tend to be well air conditioned places.

Today was no exception- story time was very fun and not over heated! We had an underwater sea safari. First we made magic sea telescopes out of paper towel rolls and blue saran warp. The we went swimming around the room and discovered various sea animals. We learned some fun facts about the animals- like dolphins can live for 37 years and some sea horse can change colors. Then I quizzed some of the kids on the facts later. I was so glad that some of them remember the facts. I also made octopus cupcakes for the kids. Basically just cupcakes with greenish blue frosting and gummy worms for tentacles. The kids pretty much died for them though.

I have such a big day plan for tomorrow. I really need to get a lot of stuff done. Brian and I are going to do all of the laundry, clean the apartment, and get our cars fixed. I also am going to make a mexican feast tomorrow! I am going to make tacos, black beans, and maybe something else yummy, I haven't decided what yet. Jello would be good for this hot weather, some sort of Jello salad or soemthing. Either way, I'm pretty excited for tomorrow so now I'm going to go to bed!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

In between classes

I have a few minutes between LIS 2600 and Lis 2005, so I guess it is a good time to blog a little something. We talke about LCSH today in 2005, which was kind of interesting and is good to know I guess. It all seems pretty self explanatory to me, after it was explained. It makes a lot of sense. After 2600 I have to go home and finish my Authority Control assignment for 2005, but it is pretty easy so I'm not worried....

OK couldn't finish that post in between classes, got distracted talking about Virginia. Feeling pretty ok about the whole website and HTML assignments after today's class, I was worried for a while about it. I can't believe we only have like 3 weeks of classes left, I still have soooo much to do!! I just need some time to try and organize everything, it's really hard. Ok, time to go to sleep now, work tomorrow.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Birthday America

Happy 4th of July all! I'm spending my day by cleaning my apartment, going for Indian food, and then working most of the night at Doc's- but it'll probably not be very busy. I'm so glad this weekend is over, I'm totally ready to get this week going. I have a lot of things to do this month, including looking for a job, cleaning and packing up my apartment, and working and such.

I only have 2 more weeks at the bar, and 4 more weeks at my internship. My internship is going well, but now I have programs both days that I'm there- which is fun, but doesn't give me a lot of planning time. All of my storytimes this summer are sea animal themed- to go along with the summer reading theme. Last week we did seahorses, which was really fun. We made decopage seahorses on popsicle sticks. We also read some stories about seahorses and went through a non-fiction book about theme too.

I got a lot of work to do this week- alot of things to catch up on and work on. Also, it's fasttrack next weekend, so that is going to eat up a lot of my time that i usually use for work. I'll have to try and get ahead on some things I guess.

Well time for Indian food, very American eh? Way yummier than burgers and hot dogs any day.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Chaos Reigns

Current update: My life is nearing the disastor zone of disorganization. After the wedding I was involved with last week and then looking for an apartment in Virginia during the last few days, I am absolutely spent. However, I have to work every night this weekend, to make back the money I spent in the last two weeks. Oh, and I have still have class right? Hrm...

So the Virginia trip was great, because we had fun in Norfolk and found a great place to live. However, the trip there and back was really terrible. On the way there my car broke down, but luckily was an easy fix. However, we did get delayed about 3 hours because of it. Then when crossing the hampton bridge/tunnel we were stuck in traffic for 2.5 hours, just to travel 3 miles. On the way home we got a flat tire at about midnight in the middle of nowhere Maryland. Generally, my car really didn't want to go to Viriginia.

My plan right now is to just make it through until Monday. If I can make it to Monday then I can get back to reality. At least I get to put my two weeks notice into work tonight, that is a pleasant thought.